We love the re-issued Jenny Linsky books from 1949 from the New York Review of Books. This Zara kids knit cap with Windy's red scarf is a perfect Jenny Linsky costume!
Read the original "Sunny" on issuu ☀♬
Did you know that our apps are based on our original series of books?
From time to time a few issues of our second book "Sunny" (the inspiration for our recent app "Sunny's Hootenanny" become available on amazon, but it can be difficult to find a copy, so we've put a copy on issuu for you to read.
Just click twice on the window below and "Sunny" will pop up in a readable size.
Meanwhile, we're putting the CD of music that comes with the original book up on Soundcloud.
Tea & Biscuit from our third book, "Snowy & Chinook"
Happy Easter!
We made these little bunnies with a simple origami pattern that you can try, too.
Happy Easter,
Robin & Judith
We ❤ Books
It's World Book Day!
When we're not playing with dolls, making checklists or making award-winning apps, we ... design books! Both of us are print book designers. And we love books.
In honour of World Book Day we interviewed each other about what we like about making books:
Robin: It's International Book Day! No, it's World Book Day! What do we like most about making books? I think I like the smell [of newly printed books].
Judith: Oh, yes, I like the smell, too. I like the crackling sound.
Robin: The crackling sound?
Judith: Yes, new books make a sort of crackling sound when you first open them.
Robin: Oh, right, I see what you mean. Yeah, that's a good one.
One of the fun parts of our job is visiting printing presses for a press check. Here is a great little video showing how a picture book is made, from sketch through to binding, from minibombo.
Happy New Year
Welcome to the Year of the Goat!
We wish you a happy and prosperous and fun year.
We'd love to recommend the book, What the Rat Told Me, a beautifully designed introduction to the Chinese Zodiac by Marie Sellier, Catherine Louis and Wang Fei.