Appisode 1. Windy's Lost Kite
Awards for Windy's Lost Kite
Parent's Choice Seal of Approval
iKids Award Winner
iTunes Editor's Choice, featured App
Bologna Ragazzi Award
P A R E N T S ' C H O I C E · i K I D S A W A R D
Appisode 1. Windy’s Lost Kite
Oh dear, I’ve lost my new red kite, how will I ever get it back? Join my friends & I on a blustery adventure, as we chase my kite through the city, down by the seashore and into the woods.
Can you help me find it?
xo Windy
Learning Outcome: Windy’s Lost Kite demonstrates that cooperation and a positive outlook are essential to solving problems together. Bonus games promote word association in English and French as well as letting children explore the different instruments in a song.
Critics say: "A blustery adventure featuring traditional crafting and stop-motion animation. ...a uniquely engaging story experience that will be enjoyed by children and parents alike." —Bologna Ragazzi Awards
Rollerskate with Windy and Spring
Where can Windy's kite be? Let's explore!
Appisode 1 comes with two bonus games:
· A musical soundboard allows you to try out the different instruments in an original, gentle song
· Our word map promotes word association in English and French
Bonus: Soundboard game lets you play a gentle song
Bonus: Word map promotes word association in English and in French
· Groundbreaking mix of handcrafted stop-motion animation with innovative interaction and cinematics
· Touch, tilt and drag the screen to explore the world of Windy & friends
· Original music, narration, and sound effects
· Three reading modes included for your enjoyment: Read to Me, Read Myself, and Autoplay
· Language support in English and French; toggle languages on-the-fly
· Musical Soundboard allows reader to play instruments with Windy and her friends
· Visual Word Map promotes word association in both languages
· “Parents only” area safely separates adult controls from child-friendly content