After a short boat trip I arrive at an idyllic seaside campground. I’m expecting a warm welcome from my enthusiastic host, Jean Cloud, but all I can see is a tranquil camp fire and some socks drying on the line. Suddenly I notice from among the birch trees, there’s a rustic tent that at first appears to be walking and is now hurtling towards me. With an “ow” and a “plonk”, the tent misses me and collides with a tree. Out falls Jean Cloud and his dog Foggy. “Phew, thank you Foggy.” “Oh, you must be Welly.” It appears Jean Cloud got tangled in his sleeping bag and Foggy has helped him out.
Although Jean Cloud seems unphased by the excitement, I delve straight into our interview to avoid any awkwardness.
Q So (awkwardly), Jean Cloud, I am wondering, what is your favourite season?
A Oh, I know this one. Winter. No, wait. Spring. No. Summer. Wait, when’s the best sailing (looking toward Foggy who appears to raise his eyebrows)? Yes, Yes, the Summer.
Q Yes, the summer is great for sailing. And I was also wondering, just to let our readers in on some of your favourites, what 5 things would you bring with you to a desert island?
A Oh, well. Foggy. Check. My boat. Check. Tennis rackets, hiking boots, pocket knife. Check. Marshmellows. Oui, Oui, (that’s French for yes) that should be all we need.
Q Perfect! And lastly, how do you like to spend your Sunday mornings?
A Ah, Sunday morning. Foggy and I stay in our sleeping bags a little later than usual, then we light a camp fire, have a nice bowl of my favourite meusli (and a doggy treat for Foggy, of course), then we head out for a nice paddle.
Q Thanks so much Jean Cloud.
A Come back anytime.
>> Return to Meet the Cast to meet the other characters of Windy & friends
Gone fishing
Listening to sports news
Sailing with his dog, Foggy
At the campground in Appisode 1